
Senin, 19 April 2010

I Am a Philatelist

I am sure that everyone must have a hobby. It is a normal if you have an unique hobby, for instance; collect some fishes, collect some red flowers, or collect stamps. Do you know friends? The last example is my hobby , yes I like collecting stamps, and a person who collect stamps called ‘philatelist’.

I am proud to be a philatelist, why? Because I am proud if I have already collected all kinds of stamps. At this time, I have collected for approximately more than one hundred stamps from all countries in the world. Unfortunately, some of my stamps have lost. Hmmm, it is bad.

My hobby for collecting stamps started when I was first grade in junior high school. I love collecting stamps because I am happy if I look many pictures in stamps. Perhaps, you don’t understand about “my own appreciate for myself”, it’s like if you want something than your parents give you more. Hmm, it is interesting, isn’t it? ^^

From all of my stamps, I love some. They are from London and Mongolia

Perhaps, you ask about a stamp from London or a stamp from Mongolia several times. Hmm, first I love London very much, friends. I love this country, so I love London’s stamps too. ^^V. Second, I like Mongolia’s stamps because Mongolia’s stamps are biggest than the others


Friends, for collecting stamps it is not easy. Why? Because you have to encourage yourself especially your interest to love stamps first. Many people think that it is waste time to collect stamps from many countries in the world, but it is interesting to note that for others it is interesting, like me. Second, you have to search many stamps not only in one places but in other places too because your target is “collecting all stamps from all countries in the world” or you have to minimize your target become “collecting all stamps while period to period in Indonesia”, it is depend on you. Third, keep your hobby until you are getting old and feel enjoy when little by little you can collect all of them.

When I was in senior high school, I had a new hobby, write short story. Automatically, my interest to collect stamps lessen somewhat. Hmm, because of that, sometimes I forget where I put my stamp, oh do you know? it is not more. Hmm, It’s enough to remember, don’t remember it anymore. ^^

Now, I want to share with all of you with my hobby. I still love collecting stamps, but I don’t have friends who have same hobby with me. I hope you, whoever you are, can share about stamps here. It is interesting to note that collecting stamps is very interesting, believe me.

2 komentar:

  1. :0. pada dapet dari mana tuh? hebaaattt

  2. => rizal: haha, ehm ada yang beli ada yang turunan hehe. udah jadi follower pertama, komentator pertama.okok :D
