I remembered when the first time i chose BEM KEMA UNPAD became my organization, yaa..it has been a long time. But, i still remembered it clearly.
It was beginning when ka Ala interviewed me, i didn't know exactly about my feeling at that time :D
Firstly, i wasn't sure that could i receive there? , however anyhow i was received from around 500 registrant, and i was one of people that was received there. How proud i was :)
Okay, perhaps. I didn't know my tasks completely when i chose PSDMO (Human and Organization Resources Development) , so..many missed communication i had. I didn't know about this, about that or whatever. You had note that I was the beginner :), i was still young at that time. Yes, in part of padjadjaran's organization, although i have ever been making an extremely event in my faculty, but i still felt that it was rather different aspects :)
i got many experiences......
"what you think is what you become"
i believed it, so i could achieve it. I WANNA BEM BEM BEM, and i became one of the one who contributed there. I got many experiences, i can make a formal letter, i can make a responsibility papers, i can become project supervisor in School of Leader. How great it was...
i was thanked to Allah because many activities that i had. Now, i have to say good bye with progresif because my task was over, and i am ready to face another chance and challenging. I want to be one of BEM's member again, but, there are a lot of factors. I know that i am sad, but i can't do anything. There are a lot of priority scale that i have to do. Because of that i have to leave BEM exactly. But, i don't know Allah's fate of me. I hope that Allah can give me the best thing, like Allah give the previously person.
Allah, all of my activity were presented to You, and i hope , give me Your paradise :))
Love my partners in progresif, i will miss u exactly. Love PSDMO'09 BEM KEMA UNPAD.
Love KADERISATOR SEJATI, make Unpad better with u dan Islam :))
We can be poles a part, but our soul is near each other :))