This program was held at faculty of medicine Universitas padjadjaran, specifically in A5 building. This program was held for two days with the main program was “mabit” or malam bina iman dan takwa in Ibnu Sina Mosque.We had to stay there with our new friends and all members of committee. Each group had a mentor to accompany us during this occasion.
In a first day, I and my friend, Fina, came late. This occasion started at 08.00 PM, but I and Fina came at 08.15 PM. We came late because we got a long time for taking a bath and we lost for a while in faculty of medicine. I was so embarrassed because it. In a first day, we would follow super training from a good motivator named Mr. Felix Siauw. He was a mualaf, he moved his religion from Christian to Islam when he studied at IPB or Institut Pertanian Bogor. He was a good motivator because he explained clearly with easy views. He explained about three basic questions from our life, the three questions were Where did we come from?, Why did we have to live? , and Where did we back after life? The simple questions but I confused at first to answer it. Finally, Mr. Felix Siauw explained clearly that we came from Allah SWT, we lived because Allah SWT, and we would back to Allah.

After we followed super training from Mr. Felix Siauw, we had to move from Faculty of Medicine to Ibnu Sina Mosque. In Ibnu Sina mosque, we took a rest for a while before we studied about how to read Koran or we called it with “TAHSIN KORAN”. Before we studied Koran, we had to take a bath and we decided to back to our boarding house in De Surya. After we took a bath, we backed to mosque for studying “TAHSIN”. We studied about tajwid etc, it was so interesting. At night, our mentor explained us about DKM UNPAD and how to affiliate in DKM UNPAD. After we already listened about that explanation, we had to sleep in mosque before we continued this occasion with Salat tahajud.
In a second day, after we prayed, we did “Muhasabah”. Muhasabah was Arabian language that means one activity to muse and to realize our sins to God. In Muhasabah, I felt so sad. I remembered my sins to my parents, my friends, my teacher etc until I cried. After Muhasabah, we continued at second occasion, that was super training motivation from Mr. Karebet. It was amazing because we learned how to be the real agent of change. The occasion finished at 12.00 P.M, but I was so happy because I got a new experience and new friends, besides that I also get the gifts from the committee, the gift were voucher to eat, voucher for shopping, and voucher to cut my hair in salon.