
Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

My First Liebster Award

Yippi, i am extremely happy to receive this award from my blogger friend endok asin. This is my second award after the hottest female blogger. I don't believe to receive the hottest female blogger, hey girl..Am I hot, really? hehe.

Well, the first i hear about the liebster award, the sounds like candy ****liebe, yes..the sweet-milk-lollipop. Oh, and then i know that liebe is German language and the meaning of liebe is love. The first woman who creates this award is Jasmin Wonderwall from German. Some blogger gives this award as sign that she or he loves us. That's why endok asin has other name of the liebster award, angpao kasih sayang.

For me, liebster award is friendship award because we can share our love and also we will know each other deeply because there are many rules in this award that have purposes to introduce our secret life, behavior and mind. There are some rules to receive this award : write eleven facts about you and answer the question from the giver. 

Ok..there are eleven facts about me...

1. I am the first child of two.
2. I am an idealist, strong-minded, enthusiast, rather indifferent, simple, stylish, and addicted to pink.
3. Have passion to be lecturer, teacher, and researcher.
4. Addicted to noodle, soto, sup iga, sup kaki sapi, bakso, and food which is tasty. hehe
5. I have an anthology book which is written by me and other friends entitled hijab cinta. Hijab cinta is some collections of chosen short story in one of writing competitions in ITB.
6. I extremely want to study in SITH ITB or Mikrobiologi UGM for my undergraduate program. But, now..i am in English Department Unpad. 
7. I hates to make some people disappointed of me.
8. I want to study until doctoral program and finish my master program in UGM, and doctoral program in Malaysia. 
9. When i am in Senior High School, I am the participant of Physics Olympiad in Cimahi. But now, I am in English Department....oh, what is the relation between my previous subject? huhu
10. I want to be writer who can publish my book 
11. I don't like sports. 

and, there are the questions from endok Indonesian ya!
1. Kenapa kamu bisa nyasar di blog gua ?
Ehm, pertama kali waktu di kasih Liebster Award. Thank you :)

2. Kamu termasuk golongan Sanguinis, Kholeris, Melankolis, Plaghmatis, ato nyerah gak atu apa-apa?:D
 Katanya permainan facebook sih, aku sanguin...jadi orangnya semangat dan punya hobi nularin semangat gitu hehe. Kamu mau ga aku tularin semangat? #eh

3.Perlu gak sih pacaran?
Ah, gak perlu...soalnya gak di perbolehkan dalam Islam :). #UdahPutusinAja

4. Lebih suka matahari terbit atau terbenam ?
Matahari terbenam rasanya adem, sweet, nyaman dan damai. Apalagi nikmatin matahari terbenam di Lombok sambil liat pantai dan makan ayam taliwang ...#looooh

5. Kalo hari ini gua lagi baik hati, kamu mau hadiah apa?
Beliin tiket naik haji doooong please atau umroh hehehe :D

6. Postingan pertama blogmu apa?? kasih URLnya yak!
 Postingan aku waktu itu nyeritain kalau aku hobi banget ngoleksi perangko, atau namanya pilatelis. Sekarang masih ada ko perangkonya. Tapi maklum ya, gaya-gaya an pake bahasa grammarnya ancur hehehe

7. Kapan terakhir kali kamu jadi manusia bermanfaat?
Ehm...sedang berproses aja deh hehehe..

8. Apa yang kamu lakuin sama buku-buku bekas di sekolah??
Wah, Unpad ga ada buku bekas. Yang ada, aku yg kasih buku bekas ke unpad buat syarat sidang hehe..

9. Punya prinsip hidup gak? kalo punya apa?
Ada dong, try to be the best and never give up....terus dakwah is passion, and passion never asks permission.

10. Pernah ikut organisasi apa aja seumur hidup?
Banyak banget ....hehe...(sombong :p) terakhir di kampus BEM Kema Unpad, DKM Unpad, DKM fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Forum Ketua Angkatan Unpad 2009.

11. Menurut kamu, blog gua ini gimana? Kasih kritik&saran juga boleh.. Jelasin pakek bahasa kamu aja yak...!
Bahasanya lucu, anak muda banget :) cuma tetap harus fokus sama temanya ya ...prolog nya mungkin bisa dibuat lebih simple :)

OK, that's the end of my writing and tasks to complete the liebster award. Thank you for you all for reading this post. Have a nice day, positive mind and keep healthy :)

p.s : i am so sorry, i will post the people who receive the liebster award from me next time.

2 komentar:

  1. thanks yak... !!! Ini jago bahasa Inggris... musti belajar dari sini akh... :D

  2. Hahaha....masih belajar ko :p, iseng-iseng hehe
