Kamis, 27 Mei 2010
Catatan seorang mahasiswi
Bukan masalah belajar saja sebenarnya, karena saya juga harus menyelesaikan agenda-agenda saya yang padat. haha, sepadat apa si? hmm ckckck
Di waktu liburan ini saya harus pulang pergi jatinangor-bandung karena menghadiri rapat (rapat zaman sekarang ???) hahaha, hmm, jadilah saya seorang kura-kura alias kuliah rapat-kuliah rapat woooowwww.
Belajar? yahhh, belajar lagi. mungkin menggunakan sistem SKS alias sistem kebut semalam. Hmm, daripada ga belajar, ya ga? hahahaha ^^ , jangan diikutin yaaa.
Senin, 24 Mei 2010
in one week
Minggu, 23 Mei 2010
Suara hari seorang ikhwan- untuk para akhwat
(Suara Hati Seorang Ikhwan untuk Seluruh Wanita Suci di Dunia)
Wanita suci,
Mungkin aku memang tak romantis tapi siapa peduli?
Karena toh kau tak mengenalku dan memang tak perlu mengenalku.
Bagiku kau bunga, tak mampu aku samakanmu dengan bunga terindah sekalipun.
Bagiku manusia adalah makhluk yang terindah, tersempurna dan tertinggi.
Bagiku dirimu salah satu dari semua itu, karenanya kau tak membutuhkan persamaan.
Wanita suci,
Jangan pernah biarkan aku manatapmu penuh, karena akan membuatku mengingatmu.
Berarti memenuhi kepalaku dengan inginkanmu.
Berimbas pada tersusunnya gambarmu dalam tiap dinding khayalku.
Membuatku inginkanmu sepenuh hati, seluruh jiwa, sesemangat mentari.
Kasihanilah dirimu jika harus hadir dalam khayalku yang masih penuh Lumpur.
Karena sesungguhnya dirimu terlalu suci.
Wanita suci,
Berdua menghabiskan waktu denganmu bagaikan mimpi tak berujung.
Ada ingin tapi tak ada henti.
Menyentuhmu merupakan ingin diri, berkelebat selalu, meski ujung penutupmu pun tak berani kusentuh.
Jangan pernah kalah dengan mimpi dan inginku karena sucimu kaupertaruhkan.
Mungkin kau tak peduli
Tapi kau hanya menjadi wanita biasa di hadapanku bila kau kalah.
Dan tak lebih dari wanita biasa.
Wanita suci,
Jangan pernah kautatapku penuh
Bahkan tak perlu kaulirikkan matamu untuk melihatku.
Bukan karena aku terlalu indah, tapi karena aku seorang yang masih kotor.
Aku biasa memakai topeng keindahan pada wajah burukku, mengenakan pakaian sutra emas.
Meniru laku para rahib, meski hatiku lebih kotor dari Lumpur.
Kau memang suci, tapi masih sangat mungkin kau termanipulasi.
Karena kau toh hanya manusia-hanya wanita.
Wanita suci,
Beri sepenuh diri pada dia sang lelaki suci yang dengan sepenuh hati membawamu kehadapan Tuhanmu.
Untuknya dirimu ada, itu kata otakku, terukir dalam kitab suci, tak perlu dipikir lagi.
Tunggu sang lelaki itu menjemputmu, dalam rangkaian khitbah dan akad yang indah.
Atau kejar sang lelaki suci itu, karena itu adalah hakmu, seperti dicontohkan ibunda Khadijah.
Jangan ada ragu, jangan ada malu, semua terukir dalam kitab suci.
Wanita suci
Bariskan harapanmu pada istikharah sepenuh hati ikhlas.
Relakan Allah pilihkan lelaki suci untukmu, mungkin sekarang atau nanti, bahkan mungkin tak ada sampai kau mati.
Mungkin itu berarti dirimu terlalu suci untuk semua lelaki di fana saat ini.
Mungkin lelaki suci itu menanti di istana kekalmu, yang kaubangun dengan segala kekhusyu'an tangis do'amu.
Wanita suci
Pilihan Allah tak selalu seindah inginmu, tapi itu pilihan-Nya.
Tak ada yang lebih baik dari pilihan Allah.
Mungkin kebaikan itu bukan pada lelaki yang terpilih itu, melainkan pada jalan yang kaupilih,
seperti kisah seorang wanita sudi di masa lalu yang meminta ke-Islam-an sebagai mahar pernikahannya.
Atau mungkin kebaikan itu terletak pada keikhlasanmu menerima keputusan Sang Kekasih Tertinggi.
Kekasih tempat kita memberi semua cinta dan menerima cinta
dalam setiap denyut nadi kita.
Ngguyu itu ketawa

Kita punya naluri ataupun insting salah satunya untuk merasakan kebahagiaan hidup yang disalurkan melalui tertawa, eitttss tapi jangan kebanyakan ya, soalnya tertawa berlebihan sepanjang hari akan mengeraskan hati sesuai dengan hadist Rasulullah SAW.
Rasul pun jarang tertawa, hanya sesekali namun dengan itupun tersenyum sembari terlihat dua giginya. hmm, nice guys!!
Tertawa itu dapat menggerakan otot-otot wajah dan menjadikan kita awet muda. Analoginya kita seneng=otot wajah tertarik karena tertawa= hati seneng= pengaruh positif ke dalam pikiran= awet muda. Artinya itu semua kembali ke dalam pikiran positif kita. Coba bayangkan ketika kita cemberut atau muram itu akan mengakibatkan kita berpikir negatif dan memaksa otot-otot kita berkontraksi tidak relaks dan berat sehingga kita akan cepat tua.
Ketika beban pikiran serasa melayang-layang dipundak kita coba rebahkan badan anda sebentar, pikirkan beberapa hal positif yang membuat anda tersenyum. Bisa kejadian ketika anda masih kecil, kejadian di sekolah atau kejadian apapun yang membahagiakan anda. Rasakan energi positif yang mengalir dalam tubuh anda. Pejamkan mata, dan tarik nafas secara perlahan. Ketika anda sudah melalukan terapi energi positif tersebut anda akan kembali bersemangat.
Terenyum juga merupakan ibadah bagi sesama umat. Ya, tersenyum merupakan ibadah yang paling sederhana. Dengan tersenyum, hubungan yang tadinya renggang bisa akur kembali, dan silaturahmi akan kembali terjaga dengan baik. Oleh karena itu, orang-orang yang selalu tersenyum sangat disukai orang-orang disekitarnya karena senyumnya terkadang dapat menenangkan jiwa.
Maka dari itu, tersenyum sangat penting bagi kita, baik bagi diri sendiri maupun orang lain. mari kawan ,,
ayo ngguyu ^^
Sleep tight honey !!!

Teringat akan banyak hal yang terjadi ketika hujan tiba. Ketika ku buka cerita masa kecil yang berawal dengan kalimat 'once upon a time' dan berakhir dengan kalimat 'live happily ever after'.
Rindu rasanya mendengar cerita romantis dari berbagai buku itu. Bukan masalah akan kemesraan yang tercipta, namun buku-buku itu selalu berakhir dengan hidup bahagia selamanya.
Hidup bahagia selamanya, sebuah permainan kata hiperbola atau sebuah kalimat sarkasme yang dikemas secara bijak. Ironi, kata-kata yang tidak mungkin dicipta, selamanya.
Lamunanku kembali buyar tentang buku-buku dongeng seperti itu, yang memunculkan sosok pendekar atau pahlawan yang tak pernah kunjung tiba. Selalu berharap akan secercah harapan, namun itu semua hanyalah khayalan belaka. Aku memang hanyalah seorang anak-anak yang memimpikan seorang penolong, namun jangan bohongi aku dengan cerita-cerita seperti itu yang tak akan pernah ada.
gemerisik suara air kian membuncah.
Berisik, beradu, buyar, pecah, lepas.
Aku berlari. Berlari dari semua ikatan masa lalu yang ada dipundakku. Mengenggam erat pelindung hujanku dari aliran air yang deras ini. Ku genggam semakin erat.
Aku berjalan perlahan dari tempatku berpijak dan dari semua orang yang sedang menunggu kendaraan disini. Mereka khawatir. Berusaha menenangkan anak mereka yang menangis karena kedinginan, dan kelaparan.
Aku semakin tak sadarkan diri, berjalan tanpa sadar ke tengah-tengah keramaian jalan. Mata nanarku berbicara dengan keadaannya yang sembap. Ku beranikan diri terus berjalan, mengenggam pelindung hujanku kian erat hingga tanganku berdarah dan air mata yang terus berjatuhan.
Sepatu tuaku terus berjalan hingga akhirnya kudapati kendaraan itu begitu terasa dekatnya, terus melaju bersama angin, lampunya terang seterang pelita malam masa lalu, terdengar pula suara klaksonnya yang terus menderu dan seorang anak kecil kedinginan yang menjerit
Ku rasakan hentaman yang begitu keras, dan cairan merah dari mulutku sebelum semuanya gelap gulita.
Senin, 10 Mei 2010
I can't believe it
you're one in a million
(miley cyrus- one in a million)
Pablo, when I write it, I really miss you. Love you :D
You're my only one that accompany me when I sleep, when I take a breath, when I face the world. Hahaha. I know you never say something to me or say yes and no when I tell you about my story. But, It doesn't matter because through your eyes, I know that you listen to me. You're my faithful listener. :))
Got me out here in the water so deep-another world :D
I want to enter your world. In another world, when you have a free time to imagine all the things into your heart and your mind. Some questions that I would ask you about; How do your world's form? How do about your family? your siblings? And How is about your delicious tea when you promise me? Is it true, Pablo? Answer me, Pablo ….. I am sorry, I forget all the things about you.
About you.
They say that good things take time, but really great things happen in the blink of your eyes. :)) . You're brown. Nice....., you always ease my pain and also my sadness. Don't say something Pablo, or I will cry because I am happy here and always ask how do I get here? And there you are. You're bland, you're nice, you're everything for me. When people always pretend to be something, especially in front of me, you're different because you're what looked like.
Thank you because you always beside me when I need you. Thank you because you always listen to me. Perhaps you are tired because of that, but really I don't know how to thank more. Thanks in advance dear. You're my only one. You're my nice doll :))
I didn't think twice or rationalize
(miley cyrus-one in a million)
:D :D
ISEF- Islamic Education Festival
ISEF was one occasion which was held by Techonology Institute of Bandung. People who held this occasion attached to GAMAIS or keluarga mahasiswa ITB. There were many competitions that were held by the committee to other people include ITB and others. The chain of event were held in ITB, Ganeha street Bandung. The competitions which were held such as writing contest, education seminar, Gamais Award, Gamais Cup, Month of donation, and book's discussion.
That one which interesting for me than the other competitions was writing contest. The purpose of writing competition were to create an ispiring writing of education in Indonesia, introduced people that Islam is a religion which can solve this problem and improved the ability of writing. The theme which was taken for this competition was “Pendidikan Islami dan Kaitannya dengan Peradaban Masa Kini”.
Writing competition was held on April,1 until May,8. The process to send our writing was very easy. You can sent the writing on email or by post it to the post office. Because of that, it was easy for us to follow this competition.
At first, I didn't want to follow this competition because too many tasks that I had, so it was impossible for me to follow this competition, but finally I followed this competition on May, 8, yeah.. it was the last date to send the writing and I had been beginning my writing.
Writing competition was divided into three categories; short story, essay, and poetry. At first I would follow short story category but I thought it was difficult to make one short story in a flash in the pan. Because of that, I decided to follow essay categories.
I didn't know why I followed this competition suddenly. I didn't have the first planning to deal with. At least, I wrote my essay fast and tried to send my writing on email to the committee. Ouch, trouble came. I didn't know why I couldn't send an email, whereas it was approximately mid night, hmm. Perhaps, it was over from the time which the committee deal with.
I remembered that I had two account email, one in gmail and others in yahoo. When I tried to send an email in my gmail account, it couldn't be sent but when I tried in my yahoo account, it was sent. Unfortunately, I was not sure if it had been sent because when I tried more to send it, it couldn't be sent again.
Perhaps, I just prayed in order to my writing was received by the committee. That was not confirmation that I received, but no problem, it was my absolute error. It was interesting to note that “nothing to lose” became my principal when I followed all of competitions, because finally I always won the competition :D, I hoped for this competition too. :)) amin.
Selasa, 04 Mei 2010
Tiga kalimat ini rasanya sering terucap sekarang. Sejak menjadi seorang mahasiswi memang kehidupan ini terasa lebih berwarna (oh ya!) sama kaya title blog ini, colouring your life. hehe
Niat awal yang sangat massive adalah menjadi seorang kupu-kupu alias kuliah pulang-kuliah pulang soalnya pengen cepet-cepet luluuuusssss. Ga betah rasanya untuk terus membicarakan sastra, sastra, dan sastra. Shakespare lagi, yaaaaaa. Bukan jiwaku banget. Dilain sisi, kemampuan analisis dan logika semakin tergerus karena tidak diasah.
Kadang berpikir, saya sekolah 3 tahun di SMA jurusan IPA. Bukan hanya sebagai siswi biasa, tapi saya sudah berusaha bertahan selama 3 tahun untuk menjadi juara bertahan (pamer dasar ;p). Karena tujuan saya hanyalah FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN. Terkadang memang, saya ingin merasakan buah manis dari jurusan yang mempunyai sosial yang tinggi seperti itu. Tapiii .... (skiipppp). lupakan lupakan, hehe
Ya Allah, pengen jadi dokter. Bayangin aja, uda les di kelas kedokteran-ITB dan ambil 2 bimbel ketika SMA masih ga tembus kedokteran. Wah, jadi pengen ngulang taun depan rasanya, hehe mumpung masih muda :D
Tapi, yakin seyakin yakinnya bahwa Allah punya rencana lain ;D. Dan saya mulai menyatu dengan sastra karena saya merasa nyaman disini (semoga berlaku untuk tahun selanjutnya ;) amin.
Saya mungkin hanya akan bercerita bahwa tidak semua yang kita inginkan pasti tercapai dan kita dapatkan, tapi yakinlah bahwa Allah mempunyai rencana yang besar untuk kita. Allah tidak selalu memberikan apa yang kita inginkan tapi apa yang kita butuhkan.
Ada banyak yang ingin saya ceritakan disini. Bagaimana saya mengatur waktu, aktivitas saya dsb, tapi dilain post ya. ;D
Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010
The Strange Friday
That was Friday morning, as usually I had to go to campus for studying English. I was very confused because I had not already written for “Penulisan akademik”. When I wake up that morning, I thought the title for my thesis. At a glance, I found an idea for my thesis. I wrote it fast and girded up for taking bath. It was amazing, I took a bath before you could say jack robinson, that means I took a bath at the doublequick. It deal just the same with took a bath, I ,who was in one’s shirt-sleeves , a veil, and used only a face powder, decided to go to rental computer for printing my thesis. I had to hurry because I had to enter the grammar class at 09.20 PM, and now 08.00 PM. It remained only for approximately one hour again.
I showed heels to go Rental Computer. I edited my thesis and printed it fast. I did it because at my boarding house, I didn’t have a printer, so I had to go rental computer for printing a paper.
It was 09.15 PM, and I had not finished for editing my thesis. Sigh. I took a long breath. Suddenly, Sandra, my friend, came to Rental for printing her thesis too. Finally, we edited our thesis defenselessly because we realized that we would come late at grammar class. Unfortunately, Our grammar lecture, Mr. Taufiq Hanafi, MA, would give us a quiz. It was bad (GRUMBLED).
Finally, we decided to go campus by “ojeg” because we knew that time was running. Alhamdulillah, when we arrived at class, Mr Taufiq was explaining something to student. The quiz had not started.
Ouch, the quiz was very difficult although we worked in pairs. We had to translated causative in English. Actually, causative was very easy but the strange words or vocabulary that Mr. Taufiq gave us were very unusual. We worked only with our feeling. Sigh.
It was the bad day ever. In the morning, I had to print my thesis fast and next I came late at Mr. Taufiq class. Hmmm, That was time for relaxing after I did all of my activity. I had to go salon for cutting my hair. Actually, I was not interested in salon, but I got a gift or voucher to cut my hair at Biya salon. I thought, I had to use this voucher. Finally, I decided to go there. Hehe
At Biya salon, I had to wait because the barber was not coming when I arrived there. I had my hair cut by the barber. Alhamdulillah, finally the barber came, and cut my hair.
Oh My God, The barber cut my hair was too short. I wanted to cry, but my bangs was very beautiful. Hmmm, forgot it, I was very happy.
It was Friday, with all stories that I had. Hmm, from morning until afternoon, I got something that was ridiculous. Hahahaha.
My Mommy

You could imagine how our gene are same with our parents especially our mother. Our face, our gene, our cell, our eyes and anything that we have, come from our mother. I cannot imagine how she keeps struggle every time just for making sure that we are warm and sleep tight. I love you mom.
Perhaps, I have already realized that how strong you are, my mom. I am a foolish man. I always declined or ignored your command although I can do it at this time. I ignore your feeling when I ignore your command, your difficulties when you breath behind me and your difficulties because of me. You always make sure that you are strong, but you do it just for making me happy and ignore about your healthiness.
My mommy, You always give me a smile when I come at home. You cook anything that I want. You make our house clean just for extending a warm welcome to me. Unfortunately, I reply all your best thing with a bad behavior. Forgive me mom.
Every time, you always pray five times a day and more just for me. You pray to Allah and ask for my healthiness, my fortune, my living until you forget about yourself. You cry when you ask it, just want to make me happy.
But I, I always make you angry with me, I always make you busy, I always make you sad, and I do it without compassion of you. I am a really a foolish man.
I always angry when you make a mistake, a little mistake. I don’t know why I do it to you. I love you, but I always forget if it happens naturally. When I get angry, you just smile and cry. Ouch, my mommy how pity you are because of me.
I always grumble when my schedule is full, but you mom, you are strong woman. You woke up always at 02.00 AM to shalat tahajud. After that, you cook some foods for your family, and then you work until afternoon. After you work, you have to cook for your family again. You Wash our clothes, our plates, our shoes, sweep and mop a floor, clean a house and everything you do every time, you never give up and tired.
I don’t know how to express my gratitude to you mom. There are a lot of beneficences that you give for me. Thank in advance my mom, Allah bless you so much. I love you.
Trouble is a Friend

I try to understand my self, especially my life and my heart. I account every second when I take a breath; I account every step that I take; I account every tear that I give for you, a trouble.
Tonight, I am alone in my bedroom; I am in romance. Let it flows like air stream. I am at rest, in corner of my bed. I am listening to my mp3, sherina-simfoni hitam. I fly with her song. I try to be calm.
I feel my life is not far from the difficulties. Wherever I walk, I must find a new trouble. I am so strong if it hurt me deeply. I am strong because I am familiar with it. Let me feel this enjoyment. I tortured enough.
The trouble with friend, family, and myself accompany me in all step through. I will keep up end of this trouble although it is impossible. I am sure that I am strong enough to maintain myself.
I am sure that every trouble must be done and find the true way. Like a rain that sometimes flow or not. It happens naturally. As rain as trouble, it must stop naturally. I believe it.
Sometimes, when one trouble can be solved , another trouble comes and make my heart cannot stand so strong. At this condition, just Allah that can solve my problem. Allah will help His slave who ask Him. I always ask Allah to give me a way out from this problem.
When the troubles come, I always cry because only with crying our heart can feel free. When you cannot find someone who can help you escape from this problem, you can ask Allah to accompany you in every trouble that you have. You have to believe that Allah must give His beneficence.
The solution to the problems of Muslims are that we should follow the path of our ancestors, or should we make our own path or should we follow the path shown by our creator through his messenger. All the messenger of Allah came with the central message of believing in Only One Allah and directing all forms of worship to HIM Alone, and teaching the ways to worship HIM. All the messengers showed the path of Allah’s liking which leads to the gate of eternal bliss. All the prophets warned against all the other paths that earns Allah’s wrath, which leads to the gate sorrow and pain. Our prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was the last and seal of all prophethood and messengership, and we Muslims should strictly follow the path that Allah shown us through him and reject all other paths.
I think that every trouble that I have make me more wise to pass my life. I am sure that I can cheer up again. Thank you Allah. You make me so strong to pass my life.
The Pressures of being a student

The adolescence happens when we are teenage, especially when we are being a student. Because of that, we can say that the adolescence is a shaky term in our life. We have to be careful to pass our life in this term especially in relationships sector. Many of students have problems with their friends, instead of problem of love, a little strange problem about miss communication in each other. This problem holds a bad influence to their mind and their heart. Many of them have this problem, but sometimes they can solve this problem by themselves although in a long term. However, too much stress can seriously affect your physical and mental well-being. ituations, environment and lifestyle.
The academic and social situations are second problem that come in student’s life. The lecturer, material of class, complex schedule, a task, Mid test, and final test become problems in student’s life. The severe lecturers who are difficult to give a good score to student sometimes make them as student get trouble to upgrade their GPA. In addition, material of class or subject sometimes for some persons is too difficult or waste time enough, especially if the lectures back our assignment. The complex schedule also make student tired, especially if the lecture wants to change the time suddenly, so the time that unpredictable make the subject is messy. Because of that, sometimes they get the difficulty in mid test and final test.
The social situations in student’s life sometimes make they confused. The administrative cost to study increases, so many student get the difficulty in this case. They try to get scholarship, but it is too hard to get it. Because of that, the students have to hunt the job and it is not easy, especially it is not easy to study and work together.
The environment and lifestyle are very important if we view its as pressure. The social intercourse in college is too hardly to us. Because of that, we have to be cautious of the negative influence from it. The lifestyle make a bad influence if we cannot manage it. We can wear a unusual clothes to our college because we can wear a free clothes that we want to our college, but it is too strange and we have to control how we wear clothes.
All of the problem or pressuring of being a student above can be solved if we can control ourselves. We can manage our personality how to make a good relation, how to improve our academic and control our social situations, especially control our environment and our lifestyle. We have to enjoy our life being a student because all of the pressuring of being a student can be lost if we feel happy and enjoy this life.